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Since birth, both Jonathan and Sara were raised in the church as pastor's kids and always felt the Lord challenging them to dive deeper to follow Him. At a young age, both were called to surrender to full-time ministry in middle school individually. In the years to come, each of their hearts burned with a passion for people from every nation to experience the transforming love of Jesus. Along their way to pursue ministry and to grow closer to the Lord in their passions such as film and theology, they attended Southeastern Univerity in Lakeland, FL. In following the call to the nations, both became involved with missions and traveled to Cuba to share the Gospel. It was on this short-term missions trip that both of them met and their story together began.
Collectively, both have traveled to 40+ countries sharing the Gospel of Christ and documenting the move of God around the world. Once married in January of 2020, they began to pray and ask the Lord for direction in where to serve the Kingdom as missionaries. This is where the God-sized dream of "Por Siempre Ministries" was birthed. The heart behind this ministry is being able to highlight the miraculous moves of God they witness on the missions field and share with the world. A call on their hearts is to share the Gospel in a modern way through film while on the missions field serving other missions organizations or other non-profits that are serving as the hands and feet of Christ.
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